The file also features a broken pistol for each soldier, litterally broken in every possible way. *suspense noises* clicking on a secondary weapon. Btw most soldiers have 2 primaries equipped but you can still equip other secondaries instead by. Also you can try deleting the guns and just keep the armor or attachments for a certain level of "fairness". I resetted the campaing and all the challenges so you can play them all over again. And then i found a "Godly Save" which had all the guns with the best possible stats plus some other guns like the banhammer, magic wand,etc so i thought: "How 'bout i do the same but make some items have stats off the chart?". But i've already had all the campaign and challenges completed on insane and all i could do would just be try to get better items. So i was bored af and was like, hey i'm gonna play some sfh2.